History of the TDB

History of the TDB - Dianic Tradition of Brazil

The Silver Circle Coven was founded in 1998 in Brasilia, under the leadership of Mavesper Cy Ceridwen. It is the Mother Coven of the Dianic Tradition of Brazil. Its work began as a group independent of any tradition, but was already then imbued with the vocation for various customs and practices that define the TDB today.

The Silver Circle methods of work were composed by the personal experience of Mavesper, as a self-initiated witch and also what she had acquired with Mirella Faur’s group, where she stayed from 1993 to 1998. Mirella had spent years investing in bringing to Brazil the knowledge obtained with the biggest names of witches and shamans, most Americans, who shared their knowledge in workshops and trainings. Although she has not passed to Mavesper a Wiccan Initiation (from a certain point on she started to describe her work as "Goddess Oriented” and not Wiccan), she laid the solid foundation to the Mavesper's priestly formation, dedicated to the Goddess and pancultural celebrations. Also comes from the learning period with Mirella the base of the native-American shamanic practice of Mavesper, although this has been supplemented over the years by a number of trained shamans as Silvie Shinnig Woman, Carminha Levy and Roland Barkley.

The founding members of the Silver Circle in 1998 were Mavesper Cy Ceridwen, Luanin Luaetita, Beth and Graziela. In 1999 Myria of Egypt, Naelyan Wyvern, Ingra Grou and Graine Orlaith joined the group.

In 2000, Mavesper was initiated by Claudiney Prieto (Lughson) in the Old Dianic Tradition, founded by Morgan McFarland and Mark Roberts in 1971, in Texas, USA. Later, we’ve defined more precisely our BOS as originating only from Mark Roberts, in his Hyperborean Tradition, and those are the practices that we have today and which have been reaffirmed at the time of Mavesper’s initiation by Bendis The Fierce Huntress of Two Spears in the Apple Branch Tradition. So the TDB is heir not only to Dallas Dianic Tradition (Old Dianic, currently named Mcfarland Dianic), as well as to the Hyperborean Tradition and to the Apple Branch, all based on the Ogham Moons and in the mysteries of the double year.

The TDB was officially founded in 2001, as we felt that it was necessary to complement the received Old Dianic BOS (actually Hyperborean): it missed several rites of passage and coven rites and, furthermore, we were celebrating the God in every ritual, what was very different from the original tradition, that only celebrated him at Litha and Yule. The TDB was formed in 2001 from the union of a Coven, the Silver Circle, and two Groves, held by Lughson - the Spiral of Creation Grove - and Gwyndha - the Half-Moon Bear Grove. It was the first Tradition of witchcraft and Wicca genuinely founded in Brazil.

In 2003, when Lughson left the group, the TDB was remodeled and brought to what is currently by the cooperation of both Mavesper and Naelyan in the consolidation of the BOS. At that time the Council of Matriarchs was formed, composed by Mavesper, Naelyan and Luanin. After the departure of Naelyan in 2007 and Luanin in 2008, the TDB accepted its vocation as specially linked to the Terra Brasilis (the Brazilian land), an ecological responsibility posture, and emphasized its work with the Fairy People. Those are our bases. The Hyperborean BOS remained as the Foundation of our initiates’ experiences, being the flagship of our priesthood.

Today we honor Mark Roberts as our founder, an ardent lover of the Goddess, who brought us the mystery tradition that we all explore and whose myths we update today as conscious instruments of the Old Ones in the world.

We are in constant evolution, under inspiration of the Goddess and of the Old Ones, but we maintain firmly the Foundations that define our Tradition.