Our Differential


The motto "Perfect Love, Perfect Trust" is intertwined with the very origins of Wicca.
Called by many traditions the "password" without which the postulant cannot go through the initiatory portals, this expression cannot ever be confused with an unattainable simple idea, a dreamlike utopia, which not even represents a single ethical providing guidance to the procedure of the adepts.

"PLPT" is much more than an advice, a rule or a moral guidance motto.

"PLPT" is the foundation upon which is based the relationship between the practitioner and the Old Ones.

Perfect Love and Perfect Trust is the bedrock of TDB.

Far beyond the interpretation of this rule in other aspects of Wicca and neo-paganism, the vocation of TDB is to make PLPT not just a dream, but a reality conquered by deep and challenging priestly and human relations.

Historically, the use of this expression recalls that, during the centuries of great persecution, to initiate another person could mean death. If the postulant was a spy, the initiator and the coven`s fate would be sealed: torture and death. Therefore, the Initiation and the initiatory teachings were made only under PLPT.

We can never forget our origins. We are witches, heirs of a story written in danger, risks, violence and blood.

Perfect Love and Perfect Trust was what allowed the survival of the Craft.
But does it matter only under this past perspective? Is PLPT a matter of death only in the distant past?

No! Today, among us, PLPT also continues to be a matter of life or death.

How and why?

It's time to realize that the Wiccan priesthood involves many levels. They are not necessarily better or worse when compared with each other. They are just different. Initiates choose their level of priesthood and their degree of commitment to the Craft and the Old Ones by their vocation.

Many Wicca traditions define Coven simply as a "group of people celebrating together". In this type of tradition, relations within circles or covens almost boil down to the celebrations themselves and a small level of intimacy between the members established only in common social criteria. There isn’t a real involvement in each other's lives. People can belong to the same circle or coven for years and only know the others superficially. Friendships are made as in any other social group, the shades remain and the ugly truth is rarely spoken, especially among people of the same group. The relationship between members is pretty similar to any other social groups.

Is this wrong? Certainly not, but surely the level of the priesthood of these people is one, the level of those who opt for merging their lives in concrete and real PLPT is another, quite different.

TDB REPUDIATES this option of PLPT as simple "unattainable ideal”.

The definition of Coven in TDB is a completely different thing: it is a fusion of lives that implies necessarily the PLPT in concrete, with the peeling of all shades, a deep dive in ourselves and in the others', as well the end of social conventions inside the group. In this concept, all forms of group relationship known before die and are reborn to the Coven method. This makes our relationship with the Gods deeper, changing its level when compared to those who are content with more superficial relationships. The Craft is Life, if our way of living PLPT is more compromised and deeper, so also is our Craft.

A Circle is a group where the PLPT is grown for that one day (after at least 3 wheels together) it can properly and consciously make the commitment of becoming a Coven.
In this type of group PLPT is concretely a matter of life or death.

When one joins our Tradition for training, they must deeply understand that we're doing an ACCESSION contract - we cannot think of entering a Tradition to change it, misrepresent it or follow it just when we believe it is appropriate, ignoring what displeases us.

The truth is that getting into a Tradition has advantages and disadvantages. Compared to solitary witchcraft, there are rules, requirements, and things that need to be done. So, of course, there is a loss of freedom compared to the solitary practice.

On the other hand, a Tradition offers a structure, a path that has worked for many and probably will be suitable for you. What you have to understand right now is that this structure is formed by an Egregore of the TDB. And that the truth only exists and is maintained because who belongs to the TDB does the same things at the same time. That’s why the basic lineaments of the TDB are not to be discussed, changed or forgotten. They are made to be maintained and repeated, because they are our strength and our union. We keep much as it was received from the Old Dianic Tradition and the Hyperborean, and it is our duty to keep it and understand it, and by doing it we are getting a deeper understanding of the Mother-Egregore of the TDB.